And the winners are…!

January 6, 2012 · Leave a Comment

I have lots of winners to announce!

I finally picked the winner of my November contest (got a little distracted by the holidays). Congratulations to Stephanie T. from Franklinville, NJ on winning a signed hardback copy of Passion Untamed!

I’ve also chosen the ten(!) winners of my December contest, each of whom will win signed copies of the first two books in my Esri series for Nocturne, The Dark Gate and Dark Deceiver. (Book 3 in this series, A Warrior’s Desire, will be out in a couple of weeks–unless you want to buy it from, in which case you can order it immediately.) The winners:

Karla N. from Metropolis, IL

Mara U. from St. Petersburn, FL

Donna S. from Bunbury, Australia

Maria M. from Spooner, WI

Megan M. from Weston, CT

Crystal B. from Williamsburg, KY

Shelley B. from Morris, AL

Betty H. from Pembroke Pines, FL

Cheryl E. from Vestal, NY

Shirley W. from Belle Haven, VA

Congrats to all the winners! And be sure to enter my current website contest for a chance to win the first two books in my Feral Warriors series.





And the Hero of the next Feral Warriors book is…

December 1, 2011 · 64 Comments

Everyone keeps asking me, “Which Feral’s book is next??” Today I’m going to tell you.

First let me explain that I’m plotting the next three books in the Feral Warriors series simultaneously. Like usual, the main romance of each will be resolved in that book. But also as usual, the external plot will continue from book to book, and the action of the next three books promises to be intense, continuing the story arc that began with the arrival of the new Ferals.

The other thing I keep hearing from readers lately is, “Please let the next book be Wulfe’s!” If you’ve been reading the series, then you know I’ve been setting up Wulfe’s story. Wulfe is such a sweetheart, and yet so badly scarred, both inside and out. That Feral needs a happily-ever-after. And he’ll get one.


Wulfe’s story arc will be increasingly important to the overall plot of these next three books. But, as such, it won’t be wrapped up in book 7. Or even book 8.

So, rather than leave you in suspense about when Wulfe will get his book, I’m going to break my own rule and tell you the heroes of the next three Feral Warrior books. They are:

Book 7 — Fox

Book 8 — Grizz

Book 9 — Wulfe

Rest assured, I have wild things planned for all three of these Ferals! Wulfe, especially. You’ll get to know more and more about him in the next couple of books. So stay tuned for book 7, Fox’s book, in late 2012.

In the meantime, you might want to give my Esri series for Nocturne a try. It’s about the invasion of Washington, D.C. by the Esri, the creatures at the heart of the legends of fairies and elves — the man-sized, malicious beings who’ve been locked out of our world for fifteen hundred years and have only just discovered their way back in. Their mission? To enslave the human race. And only a handful of humans who can’t be enchanted have any chance of stopping them…if they realize what’s going on in time.

My first two Esri books, The Dark Gate and Dark Deceiver, came out a few years ago and are only available in e-version or as used books, though you should be able to get your hands on them. I’ve posted excerpts of each on my website. The last two in the series, A Warrior’s Desire and Warrior Rising, will be out the end of January and March, respectively. You’ll find more info on the Coming Next page of my website.

And the end of May, watch for my first vampire book. A Blood Seduction begins the five-book continuing-character Vamp City series — a dark, exciting, vampire romance. Here’s another goody to put on your calendar: Dec. 5th (four days from now), I’m posting a very early sneak peek of this book on Lori Devoti’s blog as part of her 30 Days of Vampires celebration.

That’s all the news for now! It’s time for me to return to my writing cave. The Ferals — Fox, Grizz, and Wulfe, in particular — are waiting.

Go feral!


October 25, 2011 · 17 Comments

Finally! Hawke has arrived.

I’ve been waiting for this day with as much anticipation as a lot of you have, which might seem kind of odd. After all, I’ve read the book. More than read it. I wrote it.

You know that anticipation you feel when you’ve bought…or even better, made…what you hope is the perfect gift for someone very, very special? You’ve spent hours thinking about this gift, searching for it or working on it, wrapping it up prettily. And now you’re on pins and needles, waiting for them to open it, hoping they like it as much as you think they will.

Release day for an author is just like that. It’s filled with anticipation, joy, and yes, a touch of nerves. Just a touch because, so far, the reviewers are loving Ecstasy Untamed. And I’m breathing so much easier.

The thing is, I never know if the book I’ve written is any good. Never. My mom doesn’t get this. “How can you not know?” But I can’t. Certainly not right after I’ve written it. I’m way too close. And think about it–I’m seeing scenes, hearing dialogue, feeling emotions. But I have to distill all that into words–words you take into your brain and transform into pictures and action and emotions. Did it work? Only you know.

Writing often feels like sculpting in the dark to me. That’s why I work with two critique partners, trusted writer friends who read everything I write, even before my editor sees it. They’re my first set of eyes. They see clearly where my sculpture needs a little more work or a little smoothing of rough edges. My editor is my second.

You’re my third, and the ones who really matter, because it’s for you that I write. So let me know if you enjoy the book. And if you do enjoy it, let others know, too, please? Word of mouth is everything when it comes to books.

Go feral!


Appearances and News

October 18, 2011 · Leave a Comment

Join me TODAY (Oct. 19th-21st) on Goodreads Bookclub ‘Ask An Author, Win A Book Corner’.

Below is my web appearance schedule for next week. If you’re collecting signed Ferals (the books, not the guys), I’m giving away signed books at every event, so be sure to visit and comment!

10/24 – Paranormal Haven –

10/25 – My Bookish Ways –

10/26 – Fresh Fiction –

10/27 – Romancing the Book –


In book news, Desire Untamed is still just $1.99 for ereaders. This price won’t last and may be disappearing any day, so if you want the e-version, grab it quick.

I also discovered yesterday that Barnes and Noble has my first vampire book, A BLOOD SEDUCTION (A VAMP CITY NOVEL) up for pre-order already at a fabulous price. $4.88 for the mass market paperback! Here’s the link:

Less than a week until the release of Ecstasy Untamed!

Thanks! (And Winners)

October 13, 2011 · 1 Comment

Thanks for making the Pajama Party at Feral House so much fun! Loved ‘seeing’ everyone.

Below is the list of winners. If you didn’t email Kim with your address, please email me at so that I can get your book in the mail!

Gloria B. from NY

Stephanie A. from WA

Carla G. from NY

Shannon C. from NY

Susan B. from TX

Cindy C. from GA

Jennifer S. from GA

Chloe H. from IL

Reava W. from IA

Margaret W. from NY

Amy B. from NC

Kerry P. from NV

Ashley F. from NY

Elizabeth H. from KS

Angela S. from AR

Evan B. from TX

Natasha S. from FL

Khelsey J. from NV

Alaina A. from Canada

Na S. from Canada

Helen G. from CA

Arantza R. from Spain

Jenyfer H. from HI

Diane S. from NJ

Tiffany K.


Chatel C.



Welcome to the Pajama Party at Feral House!

October 11, 2011 · 845 Comments

It’s Party Time!

Come in, come in. Step through the door of the Radiant’s bedchamber, grab a plate and some snacks, then find a seat, if you’d like. There’s still a little bit of room on the bed.

The Feral wives have graciously loaned us the room for the party. They’ve even offered to pour the wine, apple cider, and hot chocolate! If you have another drink preference, I’m sure they’ll be happy to get it for you.

We’ll be awarding a ton of prizes of signed books, plus two Grand Prizes during the party. You must post during the two hours the party is ‘live’ to win. The signed books will be awarded to the first person to answer the trivia questions, but each person can only win one trivia prize. The two Grand Prizes (a $100 gift card to, graciously donated by my publisher, Avon Books, and a complete signed set of Feral Warriors books including an eARC of ECSTASY UNTAMED) will be drawn at random from everyone who posts during the two hours, including trivia winners, and will be chosen approximately 9:50 p.m. EST. All winners must send my assistant, Kim Castillo (, their snail mail address. We’ll need email addresses for the two Grand Prize winners.

Mmm…I smell freshly-baked cookies. Chocolate chip, if I’m not mistaken. Pink and Xavier have been busy all afternoon preparing snacks for us.

Did you see any of the Ferals as you entered the foyer and walked up the stairs? No? Don’t worry. They saw you.

Follow me down to the Comments section below where everything is happening tonight. (Not sure how? Do you see where it says “Posted in” just below this? At the end of that small paragraph is a number, then “Comments”. Click on “Comments” and you’re there. To reply, scroll to the end of the Comments page. You’ll have to log in the first time (just takes a second), then you’re good to go!)



8:00pm EST TONIGHT — Pajama Party at Feral House!

October 11, 2011 · 8 Comments

Join me on my blog for two hours of Feral fun tonight (8-10pm EST). We’ll have Feral trivia questions and prizes, tiny excerpts from ECSTASY UNTAMED (which comes out in just two weeks), and possibly even a visit from a Feral or two! Dig out your best animal print pajamas and meet me at Feral House.

See you tonight!



October 6, 2011 · 12 Comments

Thanks to all of you for commenting on my first official blog post. I love that you’re enjoying the books!

Using my random number generator, I chose three winners:

Deb W



Congratulations! Email me at with your snail mail addresses and I’ll get your books in the mail.


October 3, 2011 · 73 Comments

Welcome to my inaugural blog! I’ve blogged before, don’t get me wrong, but this is the first time I’ve had a blog of my own. It’s time. I have things to share and I need my own place to post them. Speaking of which, I’m throwing a pajama party at Feral House and you’re all invited! Trivia questions with tons of book prizes, tiny teasers from Ecstasy Untamed, and, perhaps, a visit from a Feral or two. Click here for the Invitation. I also have other fun things planned in celebration of the upcoming release of Ecstasy Untamed. Would you like me to send you a signed postcard of the Ecstasy Untamed book cover (anywhere in the world)? Just fill out the form on my website’s Luck page and I’ll get it in the mail.

So, what’s going on in the writing world of Pamela Palmer? A lot. As mentioned, the sixth book in the Feral Warriors shape-shifter series, Ecstasy Untamed, comes out Oct. 25th…just three weeks! This one is Hawke’s book as he battles the ravages of the spirit trap and of his heart when the woman of his dreams arrives at Feral House…the intended mate of the newest Feral. If you can’t wait for the 25th to take a look, the first chapter is on my website, now.

In addition to the Feral Warriors, I’ll be publishing the last two books in my Esri series for Harlequin Nocturne this winter/spring. I’m so glad they’re finally coming out! The series began with The Dark Gate and Dark Deceiver and is the story of the invasion of our world by the immortal, man-sized Esri (the creatures at the heart of the legends of fairies and elves), and the handful of humans immune to Esri enchantment–the only ones who can stop them. Book 3, A Warrior’s Desire, has a January 24th release date, according to Amazon (and Amazon seems to know these things before the authors or publishers). Warrior Rising will be out the end of March. I’ve posted short blurbs of each book on the Coming Next page of my website.

And if that wasn’t enough, I’m starting a brand new vampire series. Book 1 in the Vamp City series, A Blood Seduction, will be out the end of May 2012. This will be my first series with continuing characters in the hero/heroine roles, what I term a multi-book romance. I expect the series (or at least this first romantic arc) to be five books in length. I just finished writing the first book, but I’ve already seen the cover art and it’s gorgeous. As soon as I can show you (probably after the new year), I will!

Meanwhile, I’ve just started writing book 7 in the Feral Warriors series, but you’ll have to wait until December 1st for the reveal of the hero. I’m not telling, yet! My plan is to alternate the Feral Warriors and Vamp City books, so expect plenty more of both.

To kick off this blog in the right way, I think we need a giveaway. What do you think? Tell me how you found me here today (newsletter? Twitter? Facebook?) for a chance to win one of three signed copies of Hunger Untamed. (I use random number generator to choose my winners.)

Thanks for stopping by!